Emil S.D

Personal blog & portfolio



July 13, 2023
Emil S.D

Welcome to My Personal Website!

Hello, I'm Emil, and I'm glad you've found my corner of the internet. I'm a software developer with a passion for low level programming. This website is where I share my journey, projects, and thoughts on software development and perhaps many other things in my life as well.
My favourite quote by the man himself, Donald J. Trump
My favourite quote by the man himself, Donald J. Trump
Here's what you can expect from this website:
  1. Projects: A showcase of my past and current projects.
  1. Blog Posts: This is where I share tutorials, thought pieces, updates on my software development journey and deep dives into the process, challenges faced and how I solved these challenges.
  1. About: Get to know more about my background, my programming journey, and what I'm currently working on.
    1. Software Resume: Take a look at my experience, skills, and qualifications.
My software resume can be found on my About page or by clicking on Software Resume
I'm excited to have you join me on this journey! If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me at emilsprojects@gmail.com.